Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Absolutely Psychic Community - Astro Analysis Concern Part 23

Absolutely Psychic Community - Astro Analysis Concern Part 23

If Saturn interacts with Uranus, influx is the ruling metaphor.

"Stuck" events can only stay wedged for so long; sooner or later,

when enough liquid builds up behind this logjam, something's got to

give. Expect explosive improvements, and prepare for them into two

ways. The first: through dispassionate analysis it is possible to anticipate

eventualities with some tactics with respect to damage-control in place. The

secondary: through imaginative focus you can recognize numerous

exciting emerging potentialities and be ready to take them.

The two issues, as we mentioned, seem to be linked by a sextile --

historically seen as a "harmonious" or "mutually enhancing" factor,

often full of fast-paced gatherings and emotional development.


In the frame of mind for Mardi Gras? If you are living in Chicago, it will help to know

that Brand new Orleans lies to the south. Top of your head west or distance and you'll

never appear. But you'd better find out some details about the road and

how to navigate it, too...bit of points, such as a pink light means

Give up and a flashing purple light behind everyone indicates serious


What we've tired the previous pages should be to show you the place

of New Orleans. We've appeared, in other words, at the big

astrological themes which might be affecting you during this time period. But

these big themes are decorated and shaped with minor astrological gatherings

that occur along with them. The Details that follow examine the road

you are traveling inch by inch and mile simply by mile.

We ask you to be a little extremely creative as you read. This events listed in

The small print, when followed by keywords and phrases, are designed to seed any

imagination in understanding this "details" of the big astrology

picture covered through the Invitation and The Means that. Special emphasis might be

given to the transiting Man in the moon and the transits of any earth to

First, Independence day, Seventh, or Tenth House cusps in your graph.

As a reminder, at the beginning of many of our analysis of each month's

parties we'll make reference to pretty much any major configurations covered

previously which have already been reaching peaks connected with intensity then.

Gone will be the more analysis; only an allusion to the celebrations, so

you can return and review the previous material in order to read the

patterns of the thirty day period in the light within the heavier transits and


Additional brief reminder: do not forget- many astrological celebrations have

not one nonetheless several peaks connected with intensity, so you may have a given

"Invitation" or "Means" coming several times in the pages that


Sometimes minor astrological occasions commonly have an impact during several

days. Within the following month-by-month analysis, designs are

listed chronologically in accordance with the days they "peak" -- although

don't take that time too narrowly. Some of the most colorful events and then

profoundest realizations might easily materialize a day or two later as well as


Feb 10 - Tr. Mars is conjunct Ascendant

Mars, typically the God of Battle, is transiting through acutely sensitive territories

for you, hinting that some turbulent water to be navigated. Often

the trick with the red planet lies in understanding that the time has

arrived at overcome a fear or simply a resistance in you, and to take

what the heck is legitimately yours. Your current blood is up, and that's exactly not a bad

thing, except if you "chicken out" and misdirect the Martian energy source

toward some inconsistent target.

Mars arrives at your conjunction with your Ascendent on February 2,

2011, thinking that always suggests some colorful, active 7 days. A new

cycle of expertise is beginning for you. It isn't earth-shaking in

its effects, but you'll be more comfortable if you act really in the

spirit involved with Mars. The ball is there to your court. Important action,

imprudent steps, or inaction on your part at this time will have long-term

effects, just like the experiences of childhood leave their indicate on

the personal character. Don't be afraid of a little apparent

self-centeredness now. There are changing seasons of giving plus seasons of using;

this one is for choosing.

Feb 02 * Tr. Sun is conjunct Ascendant

Any transiting Sun is like a enormous, dumb battery. Regardless of what it

touches, it again electrifies -- but never for too long or very sincerely.

That's simply because it's actually a fast-moving factor, never remaining

anywhere long enough to cultivate true depth and / or complexity of significance.

In a year, it build the chart after...which leaves that only a few

days for it to cost in each of a person's chart's many sensitive locations. Whatever

it touches, however, is temporarily pushed into move. And

sometimes, any time more serious astro-psychological energies happen to be

building or brew in that area of your life, a Sun's transit

over that period might just be the cause that sets large wheels

turning. That critical point is that the Sun represents your personal ego, and

by means of collides with sensitive areas you need to act

keeping that in mind: not "egocentrically," but with an awareness of your

protection under the law, your needs, and your fancies.



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